Performance via Simplicity™.

Welcome to the new age of performance.

We enable leaders to adopt simple business models and deliver ultimate performance.

We help leaders focus on simplicity, performance, impact.

Here is our full-scale anticomplex offering.

Turn your key people into performance gurus.

  • Seminars (general overview)

  • Masterclasses (topics deep-dives)

  • Bootcamps (customized sessions)

Run your organization for rapid and viable success.

  • Executive Coaching

  • Board Participation

  • Interim Management

Leverage KPI transparency for proper decision-making.

  • Data Management

  • Data Analytics

  • Automated Reporting

We also offer anticomplex consulting with our exceptional management consulting partner firms.

A word on our leadership mindset - anticomplex™.



2023 book by Rend Stephan.

At small or large scale, most strategies fail to deliver on their intended purpose despite talented leadership, capable experts, and sophisticated approaches. Why is that? The short answer is: complexity.

Organizations are often way more complex than they need to be—at every level. Complexity is a constant energy drain and a continuous distraction from what really matters, eating away at organizational performance and denying competent leaders and their teams the success they deserve.

How can you best turn the tide, once and for all? In Anti-Complex, growth master and business builder Rend Stephan outlines a path to understanding what complexity is and how to defeat it—once and for all.

With wit and wisdom, Rend offers a compelling guide to the anticomplex mindset, allowing leaders to unlearn misguided approaches and shed years of complex programming in order to take their organization to new heights.

Including novel, insightful, battle-tested, and impactful methods to becoming an effective leader—a Complexity Warrior—Anti-Complex is a comprehensive guide to dropping the complexity mindset and cross the simplicity gateway towards ultimate performance.

Book available on major platforms…

… and offered as textbook to all participants.

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex.
It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.”
- Albert Einstein

Ready for Performance via Simplicity?